Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You Say Salumi, I Say Mmmm, Salame

Lunch for the refined ploughman: Bayley Hazen Blue, Bel Canto, Fra'Mani Salumetto

Last week Pinch took delivery of some excellent salumi from the Bay Area. The San Francisco bay, Badgers, not the Green Bay! I nearly choked with laughter when I heard a Wisconsin radio jock refer to his listening area as the Bay Area. But back to the meat...

Salumi is the same thing as charcuterie; they are the respective Italian and French words for cured meats. Salumi is a bit confusing because it looks like a misprint of salami, which itself is a misprint of salame.

Anyhoo, my favorite was a lumpy salametto (small salami, pictured left) made by Fra'Mani out of Berkeley. I wonder what wine they use at Fra'Mani. All the flavors were wonderful, but the wine really stood out for me.

I have to add Salumi Tour to my list of desirable epicurean adventures. If this adventure takes place state-side (as opposed to Italy) it will be in the Bay Area where many chefs are producing incredible product. Chicago may be a sausage capital, but only in California could one join a salumi CSA. I love the stuff, but a monthly subscription seems excessive, no?

Salumi (in moderation!) e Salute.

Many thanks to Kate for meat trafficking.

1 comment:

Kate Jaquet said...

as i am recently unemployed, i am available for hired import of SF Bay area meats to anyone living in interesting locale and paying reasonable wage.